Pre-Departure Consultation


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As a responsible photo safari organizer, we offer a free, a comprehensive online pre-departure consultation (which is optional) to ensure you are well-prepared and can make the most of your photography adventure.

Here’s a list of what we offer during the pre-departure consultation:

  1. Destination Information: Detailed information about the safari destination, including the wildlife, landscapes, and cultural aspects. We share resources like articles, and videos that can help clients familiarize themselves with the location.
  2. Packing List: We offer a comprehensive packing list tailored to photography needs. Include essential photography gear like cameras, lenses, tripods, and memory cards, as well as appropriate clothing for the specific climate and terrain. The list also includes tips on currency, AC Power Adapters, Travel insurance and FirstAid kit and general Medication.
  3. Camera Gear Guide: A guide that explains various camera settings and techniques that will be useful on the safari. This can include tips on exposure, focusing, image stabilization, and other camera features.
  4. Photography Techniques: We share tips and techniques for capturing wildlife, landscapes, and portraits. We also offer insights on composition, lighting, and capturing the essence of the destination through photography.
  5. Safety Guidelines: Full safety guidelines specific to the safari destination. Include information on wildlife encounters and how to behave responsibly around animals.
  6. Itinerary Overview: Specific detailed itinerary with scheduled photography opportunities, including game drives, nature walks, and specific photography-centric activities.
  7. Local Culture and Etiquette:  Local customs, traditions, and photography etiquette to ensure we all respect the local culture and people we encounter during the safari.
  8. Weather and Seasonal Information:  Clients are informed about the typical weather conditions during their travel dates and how it might impact photography opportunities.
  9. Emergency Contact Information: Emergency contact details, including local authorities, medical facilities, and own support staff, to offer peace of mind.
  10. Travel Logistics: Guidance on travel logistics, such as airport transfers, visa requirements, and any necessary vaccinations.
  11. Photography Permit Information: If photography permits are required for specific locations or activities, inform clients about the process and National park rules.
  12. Recommended Reading and Apps: Suggest photography-related books, apps, and resources that can enhance the safari experience.
  13. Photography Workshops or Webinars: We do offering pre-departure photography  webinar to help clients improve their skills before the trip.
  14. Q&A Session: Host a Q&A session where clients can ask any remaining questions and clarify any concerns.

We would like to make you well-informed and prepared group so that you have a more enjoyable and successful photography safari experience.

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